Attention Creative purpose seekers feeling stuck! This FREE 1-Hour Exclusive Workshop Reveals…

How To Break Free & Heal Your
Ancestral & Witch Wounds

Without experiencing continued repression and feeling stuck or hindered.

Date: Mar 25th, 2024 | Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM US/Pacific

Join us for this LIVE Workshop…

And learn how you can remove generational patterns and experience renewal

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In This FREE Workshop…

You Will Learn...

Remember, you can and I’ll show you exactly how to do it in this Workshop.

Who This Workshop Is Really For

This is For YOU if…

  • You are ready to disconnect from the noise around you, and ground into profound beauty and healing..
  • You are on a journey of spiritual growth, self-discovery, and ready to get unstuck and activate your gifts.
  • You are committed to your personal growth and are looking for tools and techniques to navigate your inner landscape and heal past wounds.

This is NOT For YOU if..

  • You are skeptical or dismissive of concepts related to ancestral healing, witch wounds, or spiritual exploration. The first step to healing is awareness -- so you have to be aware.
  • You are unwilling to explore your emotional depths, confront the past, and are cozy in your victim story.
  • You are someone who wants the answers given to you.

If you’re ready to take things to the next level and learn how you can remove generational patterns and experience renewal, then you get to be in this FREE Workshop!

An Important Message From Your Instructor, Gina Nicole Ballard...

I'm Taking Years Of Experience & Giving You My Exact Blueprint ToBreak Free & Heal Your
Ancestral & Witch Wounds

"I know what it's like to have a suppressed message. The first few years of my life, I literally bit my tongue off. What do you think my body was trying to say? Yikes!"

Hey there,

My name is Gina Nicole Ballard and I don't say the above to brag, but to show you that I've been where you are my friend.

I know what it feels like to not be able to achieve a sense of fulfillment, alignment, and self-expression in your personal growth journey.…

And after years of dealing with that…

I figured out the secret that changed everything for me…

To the point that today…

✅ I have healed the witch wound that held me back from sharing my message, and was able to launch forward in multi passionate ways.…

✅ I went from being told my message and hand writing were "bad," to shining my light forward and helping others to do the same in their own businesses.…

✅ I was able to release pent-up emotions, fears, and traumas associated with historical persecution, which led to emotional liberation and integration.…

And I’m inviting YOU and a group of amazing people to join me in this FREE 1-Hour Workshop to learn exactly how I got here…

And how YOU can too!

Gina Nicole Ballard

I AM Gina Nicole. I am a Feng Shui Practioner, Subtle Energy Medicine Practioner, and descendent of Rebecca Nurse; who was hung in the Salem Witch Trials. My journey weaves the ancient wisdom of our ancestors with the art of harmonizing energy and space.

Being connected to and working with my ancestry line, I have learned the importance of honoring our roots and preserving stories of our lineage. I'm delighted to host the Rituals of Remembrance Retreat, where we'll explore our ancestral past, harmonize our energy, and awaken the radiant light within us. Join me on this transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and profound connection.

* Alongside being a Certified Energy Healing / Four Pathways Professional, Gina was trained in Feng Shui from the esteemed BTB School of Feng Shui and certified through the Feng Shui Interior Design program at the New York Institute of Art and Design. She is a Subtle Energy Medicine Practitioner under the guidance of renowned expert Cyndi Dale, a Certified Intuitive Counselor ™, Embodiment Coach, and has completed comprehensive medical intuition training with the esteemed Tina Zion.
IG: @gina_nicole_b

Testimonials From Creative purpose seekers feeling stuck Just Like YOU ...

Hear What They Have To Say

"Absolutely a wonderful experience! My expectations were exceeded! This retreat challenged me, and helped me heal and become more open. Gina is amazing at inspiring, including, and nurturing. I am so grateful I attended this amazing retreat!"
"Gina's retreats always include an element of surprise which evokes the joy of my inner child. I've been very stressed lately, and this retreat was just what I needed to rejuvenate. I left feeling peaceful and inspired. My heart feels full of gratitude for the space to remember my true Self.. What a gift!"
"It blended together beautifully. Perfectly orchestrated. Guiding us to see truth and light."
"Gina -- you are profoundly gifted, incredibly talented, freakishly focused, and seriously among the most spirit driven/led and hardest working individuals I have ever had the privilege of knowing. And you're also tough as nails -- keeping everyone in line without making it look like you're keeping us all in line -- that was no easy task, but you did it with total Grace and Benevolence! I really appreciate you allowing me to participate in the Retreat. I hope to be a part of many more Retreats to come! I was definitely a bit anxious and maybe slightly skeptical about the Retreat (never having attended one before), but within the first five or 10 minutes, it was obvious that the experience was going to be amazing and life shifting. And so it was! It was really a life-altering experience to be surrounded by so much pure love and spirit, and I know it is really going to be some time before I can fully recognize everything that came out of those few but power-packed days! Thank you again for the opportunity to participate!!!
"I really loved the whole experience! It was such a gift to be able to just be able to be in our thoughts and intuition for a full weekend and to be guided so beautifully by you. It was also such a huge treat to eat such wholesome food and to nurture our bodies the way that you provided for us! Everyone was lovely, and the energy was very cohesive. I felt like I could really relax and just BE which is really important on a weekend like that. Thank you for creating that space and atmosphere to reflect! I really enjoyed meeting new people as well:). I absolutely love the energy and space that you create for your retreat experience! I know that you put your heart and soul into these experiences - and it really shows! I could just feel it! I felt so much peace and calm and was able to give myself the gift of the time for a weekend of intuition and reflection. I thoroughly enjoyed the experiences over the entire weekend, the amazing nurturing food you provided and the wonderful people I had the pleasure of spending the weekend with! Thank you, Gina!!!!"